Privacy Policy

Wincanton Chiropractic Privacy Policy

Your details at the clinic

  1. Patient Contact and Treatment Records stored at Wincanton Chiropractic Clinic
    Paper in filing cabinets. Contract of agreement.
    All filing cabinets are lockable – keys kept in separate area
  2. Self employed associates Contract – PC Back up – Home address of Alison Rigby
  3. Payroll, office diary and patient contact details.
    Kept on a password protected computer
  4. Facebook messenger Managed by 2 administrators – Alison Rigby owner of Clinic and Jill Humphries.
  5. Diaries of appointments
    Secured in locked filing cabinets
  6. Phone – WhatsApp Data sharing amongst employees of new
    appointments made – names only used
  7. Patient notes of the day for clinic use
    Kept on receptionist desks in boxes that can not be seen by others. Desks not left un-attended.
  8. Customer letters Computer – Back up – deleted after printing

Cliniko online bookings & appointments

Wincanton Chiropractic use Cliniko to manage patient appointments. You can read their privacy policy here.

Using this website does not gather, save, collect nor use any personal information of visitors to this website unless supplied by the visitor through the Cliniko online booking form. This information may include first name and last name, contact details, address and date of birth. This information is provided to the reception staff and practitioners in order to manage and carry out your appointment.

For more information about cookies and safe practices online please take a look at All About Cookies.

Access to Data

Wincanton Chiropractic will never share your data with anyone who does not need access without your written consent. The only people who will have routine access to your data are your practitioner(s), in order to provide you with treatment, and our reception staff, who organise appointments and reminders, and can act as an intermediary between you and your practitioner(s).
Wincanton Chiropractic use Cliniko to monitor the process of your treatments and limited information will be stored on the server.
You have a right to see what personal data of yours Wincanton Chiropractic hold, and you can ask to correct any factual errors. Provided the legal minimum period has elapsed, you can ask us to erase your records. Where you have provided Wincanton Chiropractic with consent to use your personal information, you have a right to withdraw this consent at any time.
Owner and Data Controller
Alison Rigby
Address: 75 High Street