Hydration is Good for Your Joints

Hydration is good for your joints!

We often think of hydration as being good for the skin, good for digestion and for organ function.  But did you realise how important it is for your skeleton? Drinking more water helps to lesson the chances of experiencing muscular skeletal problems.

Here’s the science behind it:

Role of water: 

1) A mechanical function. Water acts as a lubricant in the various structures, including joints to prevents injuries and fractures by adding flexibility and elasticity to tissues. 

2) A temperature control function. Water maintains a constant body temperature regardless of the ambient temperature. It has high thermal conductivity which ensures rapid distribution and transfer of heat to the skin, via evaporation. Water keeps the body temperature within a very narrow range. 

3) A metabolic function. Water is the medium in which all biochemical metabolism reactions occur. Water increases the mobility or flexibility of enzymes, facilitating the enzymatic attack necessary for quick release glucose, the fuel for exercising muscles.

So drink as much tap water as you can – no need for fancy drinks, especially in hot weather.  Your joints will thank you for it.

If you would like to speak to one of our chiropractors about your concerns over muscular skeletal issues, call or friendly team on 01963 32986 or book online.
